Monday, June 16, 2008

Too Cheap?

I was reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, and took a moment to smile, refflect on what I had read, and look at how many more pages I still had to get through to finish the book---don't get me wrong, it's very funny, but it's just not my kind of book, I suppose. While looking at the remaining pages, I noticed a gap and went to flip to that page to see what I had stuffed two-thirds of the way through and out fell a boarding pass (ATL to ABQ) and two movie tickets. The boarding pass was from my most recent trip to see my boyfriend, Evan and the movies tickets were from the 2:45 May 2007 showing of 28 Weeks Later at the Cottonwood Theater. Normally I just look at these and think of how many times I jumped during the movie while sitting next to the love of my life, but this time I really looked at what the tickets say:

Cottonwood (1307)
2:45PM Fri 05/11/07
Matinee $6.75
05/11/07 02:32 PM
customer copy

"28 WEEKS" it says. Just "28 WEEKS". Why, at a theater charging $4 for a pack of twizlers, does my ticket say "28 WEEKS" instead of "28 WEEKS LATER"? There is enough room. There should be enough pay. how long does it take the average person to type "LATER"? Less than a second. If you're not sure where they hide the "L" it may take a little longer, but is that really a reason to leave that out? No.

Give me back my three dollars from my Twizlers and my five letters.

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