Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Months Later

It seems college makes me a little too busy for the 365 project. I'd love to continue, and I might just start up again. It's hard for me to keep up with something once I've started.

anyway, let's look at those goals I made at the begining of the year and see what I can do about making sure they happen

In 2008 I want to:

1. Be with Evan at least twice this year
2. Take a chance
3. Start a regular exercise routine
4. Lose ten pounds
5. Complete something I start
6. Complete this 365 day project
7. Keep my GPA up for HOPE
8. Read the books I own but haven't gotten to

1. I was with Evan in march on Spring break.
2. I purchased bento boxes on Ebay from Japan
3. It's not regular, but I did go cycling with Tristan five times..
4. I think I have lost five pounds.
5. I completed the spring semester, and I will complete the Summer as well!
6.---GOAL NOT MET---
7. GPA is up.
8. hmm.... I am reading books I own..but still buying more before I can finish the ones I have.

Goals to continue to work on:

1. Be with Evan once more this year
2.---GOAL MET---
3. Start a regular exercise routine
4. Lose five more pounds
5.---GOAL MET---
6.---GOAL OUT---
7. Keep my GPA up for HOPE
8. Read the books I own but haven't gotten to

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