Thursday, June 5, 2008

An Early Day

Makes a Short day.

I had my second day of trigonometry today and it went pretty well. The classroom was freezing like last time so I'm glad I wore my sweater. I put it on before I left the house and at 7:30 it wasn't too much to be wearing outside. Class got out an hour early and I called dad to pick me up. there were more kids hanging out in the little computer/common area than last week, but I found a seat and read "Ink Exchange" for a little while then went outside to wait for dad. I took off my sweater and sat on it on the ground and I'm glad I did because it was wet from the temperature change.

After school, dad and I went to wal-mart and I got some underclothes, plastic storage, and a new step stool made for 300 pounds. Fantastic.

Got home and woke up Chrissie only to go back to sleep.

Woke up and went out to eat with dad even though I wasn't very hungry. I went because mom and Chrissie wanted KFC and dad didn't.

Now I'm back home after getting mom and Chris ice cream and Evan is talking to me a lot for the first time since he put together his new super computer.

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