Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Means Fish

woke up around two thirty and read some Blood Noir. I did a little homework and got read to go to Aunt Linda's so she and grandma could show mom, Chris and I how to make fish. seems fairly easy, but I don't like fish very much so I wasn't too impressed. I do know, however, that I prefer tilapia over catfish.

I just Wiki'ed tilapia...there are over a hundred species of tilapia. I wonder what I actually ate?

After dinner, I came home and finished Blood Noir. Now I'm going to get going on Ink Exchange.

I work tomorrow at 10 am and I am NOT excited. I really loved my week off. Hopefully, I'll be working with Jake tonight. He's definitely my favorite boss. Maybe it's because he comes to me when he doesn't know what he's supposed to do?
It's because he's so effing funny!

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