Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 1

"A day without laughter is a day wasted."
-Charles Chaplain

Journaling Prompt 1
I want you to write a list of Goals for 2008, nothing to unachievable, just a list of maybe 10 things you would like to do this year. If you want to go into more detail, why not try writing a Mission Statement, Stacey Julian has a free download here as an example. Use your note book to write your 10 Goals .

See you tomorrow

Anna x

In 2008 I want to:

1. Be with Evan at least twice this year
2. Take a chance
3. Start a regular exercise routine
4. Lose ten pounds
5. Complete something I start
6. Complete this 365 day project
7. Keep my GPA up for HOPE
8. Read the books I own but haven't gotten to
-------I think eight is good..

Today's journal:

for breakfast I had two spoonfuls of cereal, two Vienna sausages, and half a pear. Shortly after that, my mom and I left to go see my sister in Carrollton, GA. We stopped at Wal-Mart and I purchased a journal and matching scrapbook for her to do this 365 challenge with me. I hope she wants to.

Aunt Kathi called for my email address so Liza can add me on MySpace. They're so funny. Liza said "who's she kissin'?!" and Aunt Kathi said "she's kissin' her boyfriend!" Silly.

Ate a spicy chicken sandwich at Wendy's--went with Chrissie, mom and Ashley (Chrissie's roommate). Ashley didn't laugh much, but that's okay.

on the way home, I saw what makes me laugh

When my mom and I got home from Carrollton, I made a fire . . . and forgot to open the damper . . . sorry, mom.

Mom made french toast and sausage for a late meal. She also cut up some oranges and apples. I don't like oranges much.. oh well.

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