Wednesday, July 16, 2008

At Last!

Twilighters, next week belongs to us. The beautiful Kristen Stewart and slightly hairy yet dashing Robert Pattinson grace the cover of Entertainment Weekly on the 18th, proving to us that we are not alone in our small group of friends that gasp every time we think of the scene in Eclipse--you know which one...

So my sister and I went on a quest to find this magazine, not knowing that it doesn't come out until this Friday.. Silly us. On our quest, I almost made her spew coffe out her nose, I bought $60 of books (The Sugar Queen, Aurelia, Devilish, Girl at Sea, The Princess and the Hound, The Captain of all Pleasures, Lover Awakened), was accosted by the teller at the bank (selling you three boxes of colored pencils does not make me your friend), and bought Penelope which included the book for a little extra exclusively at Target, but I don't think you can get it online like that.

When we got home, we were going to watch Penelope, but I had a Twilight moment of such extreme proportions (gasped too quickly and choked on my own spit for about ten minutes) that I had to have a nap. After my nap, I heard my mother banging around in the kitchen (as all women do, since none of us know how to avoid the banging) and went to help with the dinner I had actually planned. Mom put the pork chops in the pressure cooker and I put the garlic bread in the oven to bake while I put together the green bean casserole. Mom went off to her room to play Sudoku while I watched the food. I was not told that once the pot starts hissing like an angry snake that I am supposed to turn down the heat and leave it to do it's own thing for 30 minutes....So I left it on the burner to cook for 30 minutes. I cooked the casserole and the bread and tell mom her pork chops have ten minutes, but I noticed it smelled like it was burning. I told mom and she said it was normal and asked me a few questions about what I did to the pork chops, her expression getting more and more alarmed. Once she came to the conclusion that I had burned the dinner, she rushed down the hall and took the pot off the stove and put it in the sink to run water over it.
The pork chops, in fact, were not completely ruined. Mom used her cool electric knife to slice off the 1/3 of the meat that was burnt and with a little barbecue sauce, it was edible. Personally, I just ate a lot of bread and green beans and threw some meat at the dog who was very pleased to find out that our kitchen floor now attracts yummies.